Interest Rates Are Rising On homes...& Why You Should Still Buy
Financial literacy is one of the best ways you can set up yourself for success.
Why is it… it’s so easy to buy something you want (but don’t need and won’t enhance your life financially.) on a credit card that has a 18.99% APR…
Some people buy cars (that depreciate THE VERY SECOND you drive off the lot.) at a 16% APR…
Yet the very thing that will bring you long term wealth,
That will shelter you and your family,
That will build value year to year,
Is hard to purchase when the rate is 6%?
Let me tell you why.
Because instant gratification feels good, in the moment.
People will chase it and do crazy things for it.
And thinking long term takes ability to zoom out and look at the big picture & be in alignment with what’s best for us but not instantly exciting/ gratifying isn’t easy.
It doesn’t come with the instant price tag of validation many people seek.
I look back at all my financial mistakes and realize that if I had known back then that credit cards are to be used only for things to build wealth & fund business projects…that buying the car that’s aligned with the wealth I’ve generated…
& to invest in things that would return profit& growth I would have been less stressed in my 20s.
I wouldn’t have had to work multiple jobs trying to always be ahead of the game.
I wish I knew then what I know now.
But, I had to live that era to speak about it from a first hand place.
This is what I love about my career.
I can work with my clients by consulting with them and collaborating with them to achieve their goals when it comes to real estate
My career is so much more than opening a door.
It’s helping people think bigger.
Dream bigger.
And achieve more.