Celia Cavalli

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What are AGEs? Why do they matter?

We really need to stop being so obsessed as a society about weight.


And focus on what REALLY matters which is vitality, health & lowering inflammation.

I did a story the other day where I weighed 100lbs but was SO inflamed. That’s not healthy.

Nor was gaining 30lbs and weighing 140lbs while struggling with an SSRI induced binge eating disorder.

Our food& the quality matters for the over all quality of our cell health and brain health.

It’s either preventative aging or it’s speeding up our aging & chronic condition rate.

Food is a chemical code for our cells that is designed to nourish and help different systems to run.

Beef is by far one of the most nutrient dense (and macro friendly being fat and protein/zero carb) substances we can put into our body.

Beef is not the issue in our modern world when it comes to health it’s the mixing of fat and sugar (sugar is truly one of the top issues) which form something called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs).

AGEs causes inflammation, oxidative stress, have been linked to serious conditions like renal failure, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart disease.

AGEs can also form from sugar mixing with protein in the bloodstream.

The common culprit is sugar.

Upping antioxidants rich foods & enzymes help to break AGEs down which is why I utilize a powerful compound daily and use with my clients to help support their body in the elimination of AGEs.

Our modern world is prime to accumulate AGEs rapidly with our food system and restaurants all using sugar and seed oils in literally everything.

If you’re ready to jump start back to health message me to talk about the right system for you to support your body & a 3 day supported fast to kick start your health and vibrancy journey.

Health is truly everything